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We Need Your Prayers for “ The Miracles Church “ Building Projects :

Dear Friends, we have been facing many problems here in India and have no full freedom to serve the Lord or to worship the Lord on the Sundays services, or on Fridays prayers, Wednessday women services, Children Sunday School services, or at Saturday fasting prayers though we have been scattering the Seed , The Word of God since 2002 ( 12 years ) surrounding these areas in INDIA.

We are reaping the fruit of our labor in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus, manytimes we succeed in our Gospel evangelism when we preach to the different villages and towns with the Street evangelism, and with the Gospel and Miracles crusades. We have been recording many healings, deliverances, miracles and salvations. The Lord is honoring our Gospel work and helping us to seek and to save His precious Indian people. Wherever we go we find ONE MAJOR PROBLEM., and that is to gather them into a right fellowship for mentoring them. Making discipleship is means to mentore them in the Word and in the leading of the Holy Spirit. It could be possible for us if we have either our own Church building over there or a Healing room over there. These Can help us to call the saved souls to every service and can feed them or nurturing them under the apostolic leadership.

That is why we are praying for 3 Church buildings to construct where we have been ministering since 12 years, preaching in the 2 towns and in 1 village at this present movement.. We have been ministering and living in the rented houses here in these three areas, but facing many problems with the Hindu and Muslim brothers and communities at every Christian services. Because, the houses are in the midst places of the villages and streets, they do not like us to make big big sounds like clapping, praising, shouting, singing, playing drums, preaching in the p.a.system, . Manytimes, they asked us to vacate the homes and rented houses. This is why we are needed your prayers for the Church buildings.

Presently the Indian government is also somuch strict for the Christian activities and will never allow with any of foreign brothers and sisters for any open Healings and Gospel outreaches, but you are allowed to speak in the indoor halls like conference halls, auditoriums, and in the Church buildings. That is why our intension is to use the Church Buildings for all the Christian services and can be also useful for the Bibles Schools, Conferences and Indoor revival meetings. Because of this,

Our focus presently is on to build

A. 3 “The Miracles Church “ Buildings ( in 2 towns and in 1 village ) and as well with the Pastor’s quarters along with them.

 a. One is at Ranasthalam town of Srikakulam district

 b. Second one is at Rajam town of Srikakulam district

 c. 3rd one is at Laveti Palem village of Srikakulam district

B. 2 Healing rooms in 2 major towns in our district.

 a. One is at Srikakulam rural area

 b. The Second one is at Palasa town.

These healing rooms will be visited and overseen by me atleast twice in each week for healings, and deliverances.

Friends, please pray and participate with us for the Kingdom expansion here in India. Our ministry is based solely on the generous giving of God’s people. If you are led by the Lord Holy Spirit, please consider to support our Gospel work for the glory of God and for the advancement of the Kingdom in INDIA .

God bless you.

Pastor. Kumar Raju Komannapalli.

Minister of the Lord Almighty.




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